Friday, December 04, 2009

Not Too Early To Think About Daddy Santa's Visit

Recently the gay publication, Metro Weekly interviewed the famous filmmaker, writer, producer John Waters, a native of Baltimore, about his feelings towards the Christmas holiday. His humorous observations are listed below.

Is Christmas a gay holiday?
MW: Is Christmas a gay holiday in your estimation?
WATERS: Well, it can be, certainly. Is Santa erotic? That is a question with the bear movement. Is he a silver fox? Is he a bear? But at the same time, is asking an overweight person to play Santa Claus at your office party an insult? And it is. It's the "fattist" thing to do. Divine's mother always made him be Santa Claus, so I think he was Santabused.
MW: I've never really pondered the idea of whether or not Santa was erotic.
WATERS: It's a complicated question: Is Santa erotic? Suppose you are attracted to Santa -- does that make you a Santa hag? Can you have sex in a chimney? Are you a flue queen? There are all sorts of possibilities that I talk about.

I do think Daddy Santa is a furry, fuzzy muscle bear. And he's extra generous to all the guys who are naughty but nice during the year. WOOF

Also I thought I'd repost one of my tributes to Daddy Santa from several years ago. Hope you enjoy it.

Monday, December 12, 2005

What's On Your List to Ask Daddy Santa For This Year?
As you can see, this Daddy Santa helper is not one of the brightest bulbs on the light string set, but he's got his heart in the right place, he's hunky, and is ready to make sure you get from Daddy Santa what you have written on his list.For me, walking steady with a cane would make me very happy. Also getting my strength back and being able to lift weights and be able to do stomach crunches and pull ups again, would make feel almost like my previous self once more.You guys have helped me very much so far. I will always remember that.So don't be shy. Daddy Santa isn't a mind reader. But since I've worked with him in the past, I know that he always makes a supreme effort to reward really good and sexy gay boys and men with pleasures that will be welcomed and enjoyed over and over again. Like big hairy muscle hugs, you can never get enough


ryan field said...

I love your blog :)

I'm going to link to it.

Leo said...

Where you go Buff? ;) peace