Friday, December 16, 2005

Yippee, A Naked Cowboy Under the Christmas Tree

From David Letterman's Late Show:
Top Ten Signs You're A Gay Cowboy
10. "Your saddle is Versace"
9. "Instead of 'Home On The Range', you sing 'It's Raining Men'"
8. "You enjoy ridin', ropin', and redecoratin'"
7. "Sold your livestock to buy tickets to 'Mamma Mia'"
6. "After watching reruns of 'Gunsmoke', you have to take a cold shower"
5. "Native Americans refer to you as 'Dances With Men'"
4. "You've been lassoed more times than most steers"
3. "You're wearing chaps, yet your 'ranch' is in Chelsea"
2. "Instead of a saloon you prefer a salon"
1. "You love riding, but you don't have a horse"
Back To December 2005 Archive


Teddy Pig said...

I suddenly feel like grazing.

Oh, nice hat Buff but DAMN... are you taking applications for hopeful bottoms who would like to be your slave? Add a bull whip and I'll come right over...

Anonymous said...

Yea - the hat was nice, but it took be about 3 times looking at the pics to notice it...

If you are taking applications may I fax mine in or do I need to bring it in person Sir?

Anonymous said...

Nice hat.

"You love riding but you don't have a horse"...hehe. Alas the boyfriend is not feeling at all well, so I had to resort to battery power in the saddle earlier...

cola boy said...

Buff, you have done it again! Brought a smile to my face this morning with the pics AND the top 10 list. Have a great Christmas, stud!

Cement Brunette said...

Just stopping by to say Happy Holidays, Buff. Later.

Anonymous said...

Damn Buff! Is it hot or is it just me?!?!?

I'm ready for mounting, Sir. Geddy up, yeeha!

Anonymous said...

Hadn't heard from you in a while - wanted to make sure the hip was OK...

jason said...

Funny stuff!

Have a great New Years!

Teddy Pig said...

Hey Buff! Hope you had a Happy New Year. Here's to the coming year and more nude pictures of your damn sweet bod Sir.

Anonymous said...

Buff man damn fine as per usual...
i'm ready to be stuffed and mounted when you are bud...*grin*...digdusdownunda